I am looking at a cohort of high-grade lymphoma transformed from a low grade lymphoma with predictor variables related to low-grade lymphoma and overall survival after development of transformed lymphoma. I have a few cases where low-grade lymphoma was detected concurrently as the high grade or even worse, a year after high-grade was detected.
How do I code the dates of low-grade and date of high grade in something like this where I am looking at time to transformation after low grade diagnosis and time to event (death) after transformation?
I don't want to drop the observation for sure. Generally accepted consensus on concurrent low-grade/transformation is up to within 3 months preceding date of transformation. But dates need to be sequential for analysis.
How do I code the dates of low-grade and date of high grade in something like this where I am looking at time to transformation after low grade diagnosis and time to event (death) after transformation?
I don't want to drop the observation for sure. Generally accepted consensus on concurrent low-grade/transformation is up to within 3 months preceding date of transformation. But dates need to be sequential for analysis.